Monday, November 7, 2011

Collard Greens

If you love greens, it is a great time of year to make a huge pot! I stopped at a local veggie stand and bought some fresh greens and made some craklin' corn bread to go with it. I love this recipe---so simple and delicious.
                                        ---Cook Because You Can

1 (Fresh) bunch collard greens - rinsed, trimmed and chopped
2 smoked ham hocks
2 (10.5 ounce) cans condensed chicken broth
21 fluid ounces water
1 tablespoon distilled white vinegar
salt and pepper to taste

Place the collard greens and ham hocks in a large pot. Mix in the chicken broth, water, and vinegar. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer 1 hour.

Nutritional Information

Amount Per Serving Calories: 165 | Total Fat: 11.4g | Cholesterol: 35mg

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